The Forgotten Fable.


Ever been in love,
That felt more than right
Gave you an ache in heart
Each time, it looked far in sight?

Such love, whose eyes
Glittered brighter than sunlight
Whose idiocy never seemed to you
Ever child-like?

A love that’s gone so far
That you have forgotten that time
Of an indelible walk, you took
Alone on that Sunday night?

A time when you just lived each day
To see her merry and thrived
Remember the time, it took you to get over
The feeling that kept you in tears, being deprived?

The ridiculous reasons you came up with
To witness that melting smile
Never thought you’ll move ahead,
But you did, didn’ t you, and kept going just fine?

Was it the lack of touch, or the time
That never bothered about, what was left behind
You lost all contact and began striding
A new life that came to your way, you started to abide

Now it’s been so long,
Since you saw her deep black eyes,
You can’t remember a thing,
The time took care, of the ache inside.

But you wonder, why still she
Sometimes shows up, in your late night dreams
She’s been gone so long, so far away
But she’s somehow still there, like a hazy souvenir

And you still wonder, what would you do
If came across her someday, on an afternoon
On the opposite platform, waiting for the train,
While you are as usual, running late?

Would you make the effort,
And shout out loud
Make for the time you two lost,
A conversation you dreamt of so long?

Or would you just see her
And just see her some more
Honor the distance between
Like an ocean, you can’t cross?

Maybe you’ll catch that train,
And leave her on that shore,
Of a story that never happened
Figment of your imagination, it was of course.

You thought she left,
But now you know she never will,
Unlike the memories, it’s the warmth of the first love
That stays, for you to timelessly adore and cherish.

For the first love, that makes you smile. Once in a while.

For him.


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